The Travel Adventures of the Irish Texan

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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Ever been Church hopping....on Guy Fawkes Day?

So, I have been bar hopping before, but two Sundays ago was my first chance to try "church hopping." In other words, going from church to church on a Sunday morning to sample the available masses and venues. Well, when a friend from Japan came through London, she (Leanna), Izzy and I did exactly that - starting at Westminster Abbey and proceeding to Westminster Cathedral...then on to a pub for beer and brunch - of course!

....oh yeah, and it was Guy Fawkes day too....whatever that means!!!

It was a bright, clear, beautiful Sunday morning. Perfect for sitting inside a building with loads of stained glass.

Oh, those silly church crawlers!!!!

After mass and beer we did a mini photo shoot in front of Big Ben (referring to the bell, not the tower, just a little trivia for you there).

Nice, Izzy - way to show us that new winter look for '06-'07!

Who is the American dork in front of Big Ben? :p