The Travel Adventures of the Irish Texan

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Thursday, September 14, 2006


So, I arrived in London 3 weeks ago and the theme has been reunions. I reunited with pal Izzy (we met 3 years ago when we both started the JET program in Nagoya together), pal Russell (we met 5 years ago while both working for AEON in Nagoya) and of course Naoto who arrived the day after I did but from the other side of the globe. We have done a lot of settling in. Quite a bit of walking around the town and getting our bearings and for the most part just trying to get our bearings. What follows are some of the highlights. Hope you likey!

King's Cross/St. Pancras Station: home to the famous platform where Harry Potter and other Hogwarts students board the Hogwart's Express

Naoto's first day in town, friend Izzy (who works for the London Philharmonia) was busy at work promoting music with the "virtual symphony" down on the Thames in front of Royal Albert Hall. We paid a visit.....and we weren't the only ones who did!!!!!!

That's right. Our dear friend, Ms. Thompson also stopped by. That thing she is sitting on is a speaker. When sat on it plays the part of a particular instrument in an orchestra for the piece that is playing. When loads of people sit down at the same time it sounds like a live concert. She loved it!**

Izzy and Naoto in her kitchen. She was lovely and let us stay with her for 10 days. We cooked several meals there including green Thai curry and tempura! We love Izzy!

** Don't ask what Emma Thompson was like. We didn't actually meet her. Izzy took that picture the FOLLOWING weekend when Naoto and I weren't there....DOH!**


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